Increase club involvement

In the clubhouse display match summaries of the games and share video clips online.

Example match summary EHV MA1 – Pelikaan MA1


Fully automatically generated summaries of all recorded matches.

Immediately afterwards

Fifteen minutes after the game the summary is available for viewing in the clubhouse.

Most important moments

The match summaries display the most important moments of the game: goals, penalty corners / free kicks, and opportunities.

Earnings model for the association

The match summaries generated with 360Entertainment can provide clubs with available space for sponsor logos. This way your sponsors are offered an extra platform to advertise… and that pays off! With our module 360Sponsoring you can easily fill the available spaces. Result: in addition to performance improvement and increased club involvement, you will also generate financial contributions for the club!

Read more about the sponsorship opportunities for your club on our 360Sponsoring page.

360Entertainment was voor ons een must. Naast 360Performance waarmee wij de kwaliteit van onze club en spelers naar een hoger plan brengen, kunnen we hiermee de beelden in de kantine vertonen. Dit maakt het niet alleen interessant voor sponsoren, maar het verhoogt ook onze kantineomzet.
Willem Bakker - Penningmeester CVV Sparta Enschede

Need sponsorship recoup the costs of the system?

Let us present the advertising possibilities to businesses and potential sponsors.